The 90-Day Test: Give It Time, but Not Forever

The 90-Day Test: Give It Time, but Not Forever

Ever jump into something new—whether it’s a relationship, job, business venture, or big life decision—and wonder, Is this actually working? It’s easy to get swept up in the excitement of the fresh start, but at some point, reality sets in. That’s where the 90-Day Test comes in.

The idea is simple: give yourself roughly three months to fully commit, put in the effort, and pay attention to how things unfold. It’s long enough to move past the honeymoon phase but short enough that you don’t waste years chasing something that isn’t right.

In a new job, the first few weeks are a blur of introductions, learning the ropes, and figuring out where the coffee pot is. By 90 days, though, you know whether you’re thriving or just surviving. Are you excited to go to work, or do you feel drained before you even clock in? Do you see a path forward, or are you already fantasizing about an escape plan?

Same goes for relationships. The early days are full of adventure, great conversations, and trying to impress each other. But over 90 days, real patterns emerge. How do they handle stress? Are they supportive of your goals? Do your values align? By the three-month mark, you usually know whether it’s worth investing in something deeper or if you’re just trying to force it to work.

Business ideas work the same way. You launch, hustle, and ride the adrenaline rush of something new. But at 90 days, the cracks—or the momentum—start to show. Are you gaining traction? Do you still believe in what you’re building? Does it feel like something worth pushing through the tough days for?

The point of the 90-Day Test isn’t to expect perfection. It’s not about quitting at the first challenge or bailing because things aren’t easy. But it is about paying attention. Are you constantly drained, frustrated, and forcing it? Or is there genuine progress, even if it’s slow?

At the end of 90 days, you should be able to answer one simple question: Is this something I want to keep going with? Not “Is it perfect?” Not “Am I 100% sure?” Just—does this feel worth continuing?

If yes, great. Keep going. If not, you gave it a fair shot, and now you can move on without wondering what if?

Life’s too short to stay stuck in something that isn’t working. But it’s also too short to walk away before you’ve really given something a chance. 90 days is the sweet spot. Try it. See what you learn.

Photo by Simon Berger